World Asthma Day
03 May 2023

Asthma is a complex disease caused by genetic and environmental factors. It is the most common chronic disease in children and adolescents worldwide and one of the most common in adults.


The World Health Organization has highlighted asthma as both a cause and consequence of poverty in low- and middle-income countries. WHO estimates that asthma affects 339 million people worldwide.


On the occasion of World Asthma Day, the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) have joined forces to discuss key updates to the GINA 2023 strategy report on asthma management recommendations for adults, adolescents and  children, highlighting the key questions on the topic: 

  • how climate change and air pollution can affect people with asthma, 

  • what specialists can do to choose the most suitable inhaler for their patients, 

  • what needs to be done to guarantee a healthier future for patients at national, European and global levels.

In Armenia, children and adolescents with asthma are served in “Arabkir” Medical Center. In our Respiratory Medicine and Allergology service, all modern methods for diagnosis, treatment and management of asthma are possible now, thanks to the close cooperation of our doctors with foreign clinics and professional associations, continuing professional development and great technical equipment. 


Asthma is not a sentence. Early diagnosis and proper medical approach make it manageable.

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