

Insurance companies pay for medical service and care, if the patient has insurance and the insurance companies are able to provide compensation. 

The Insurance and contractual patient care service in “Arabkir” MC is valid for 13 years and provides services to those people, who have insurance and want to be treated, examined in “Arabkir” MC. As part of the service, recipients of social benefits packages are also served, and annual medical preventive examinations are done.
We cooperate with almost all insurance companies, but the main partners are “Ingo Armenia”, “Nairi Insurance”, “Rosgosstrakh-Armenia”, “Garant Assistance”, “Reso”. As part of the insurance, patients can undergo preventive examinations or see a doctor, if it is included in the package or there is such an agreement.
In order to use insurance or contractual patient care service, it is necessary to present with an ID and papers that were given by doctors and insurance companies. 

For additional information call  010 23 32 32, 015 400 300 and extension` 27 21 or 12 30:

Հարգելի այցելու, գնացուցակում տեղի են ունենում փոփոխություններ, այդ պաճառով այս պահին այն հասանելի չէ:
Հայցում ենք Ձեր ներողամտությունը:

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