Reference to the publication in the press
08 November 2022

Yesterday an article - “Are Anahit Avanesyan and “Wigmore” Clinic connected by business interests? The opening of a new hospital is risky for the pediatric field” was posted on, where “Arabkir” Medical Complex was mentioned. On this occasion a number of journalists asked us questions, such as “why the minister hadn’t stopped the construction of a new clinic”, “why the specialists are “poached”, “what do we think about the opening of a new clinic”. We will answer those questions here.

First of all, we would like to remind or inform you that the minister cannot prevent the opening of any new clinic in any way. In the RA, the economic order and the rights of the providers of medical care and services are determined by the Constitution of the RA and by the Law on Medical care and services, which guarantee freedom of economic activity, free economic competition and the right to provide medical care and services upon obtaining a license in a prescribed manner. 

The Ministry has the right to inspect the quality of provided medical services and its compliance with standards, regardless of the medical institution’s status. If the services do not meet the standards, the ministry can suspend the license of the medical institution, and if they do, the ministry can “order” or “not order” services from the clinic, or “place a state order or not”.

Thus, the relationship between the Ministry, as a state body, and the organizations providing medical services were listed above.

Speaking about “poaching specialists” from “Arabkir”, we would like to inform, that specialists for the new clinic were recruited not only from “Arabkir”, but from other pediatric institutions of the country as well. In addition, this issue should also be given an objective assessment: specialists may have different goals and they may change their workplace to reach them. A part of them has no desire to treat the insolvent class of society, and wants to treat the solvent only, a part seeks to be able to earn more with less efforts, and the other part wants to move even further and take responsibility for well-organized services. 

In all respects, “Arabkir” Medical Complex is proud to be the professional “source” in the field of pediatrics, where young physicians are specialized and can work in other medical institutions after completing their specialization. We can definitely emphasize that those, who, roughly said, aim to “make money” and not to treat people, do not correspond to the ideology of “Arabkir”. 

As for the creation of a new pediatric medical institution and the emergence of new competitive challenges, our approach is unequivocal: if it leads to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of provided services, then it will correspond to our main goal. And if it leads to the increased cost of services, then the population itself will decide where to go. 

We have spoken out many times and continue to insist that between the children’s medical institutions operating today, in particular, between 3 well-known clinics, cooperation rather than competition prevails. The competition is healthy and is aimed at service improvement. 

We hope the newly opened clinic will choose that path as well, because no medical institution alone can fully solve all the problems that arise during its operation.

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