Since 2015 Armenian Pediatric Association and ICAH, under support of Open Society Foundations –Armenia, are working to introduce Pediatric Palliative Care in Armenia. Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) needs assessment was conducted in Armenia; the situation analysis document with suggestions for the relevant model and the concept of the Pediatric Palliative Care in Armenia was presented and discussed.
PPC was included in the Strategy for Child and Adolescent Health and Development and Action plan for 2016-2020. A teaching module and manual «Basics of PPC» for medical docors, nurses, psychologists and allied professionals was developed; ToT trainings were held on PPC for the relevant health and social care staff. PPC has been introduced in pre- and postdiploma training curriculum of medical nurses and postdiploma curriculum of pediatricians. The a short film and information booklet dedicated to issues of PPC in Armenia was developed, public awareness campaign was held in social media, a special TV program on PPC was broadcasted.

In 2019 in collaboration with partners, a number of activities were realized on introducing contemporary integrated approaches of Perinatal palliative care. Visits and discussions with involved specialists enabled the project staff to come up with the needs and gaps in this field. Educational module and manual “Principles of Perinatal Palliative Care” was developed; a teaching course was held for the relevant staff in Yerevan. Findings and recommendations to introduce PPC approaches and develop relevant services were shared with the respective bodies during Round table.

ICAH specialists participated in development of number of policy documents aimed at development and introduction of PPC services in Armenia. In 2024 the standards of organization and implementation of the pilot mobile pediatric palliative care services within medical serives provided in Armenia had been developed and approved by MoH, including patient selection criteria. A number of sensitization meetings and seminars for PHC providers and staff of social care institutons had been held to start selection of the patients who can benefit from the newly established services. Pilot mobile PPC service will start fuctioning in 2025 on the base of the Hematology center after Yolyan.

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