Gynecology Service 

The Gynecology service of “Arabkir” MC - IDAH is aimed at childrens’, adolescent and adult health, by providing prevention, treatment and medical consultations for the diseases of the reproductive system. Gynecology services are available not only for patients already under supervision, but for new patients as well.  


The service also provides sexual education for school-aged girls, as the first gynecological examination is an excellent opportunity to educate adolescents on sexual and reproductive health, answer their questions and provide up-to-date information. 


Our gynecologists regularly participate in exchange programs and professional training courses to master the latest innovations in the field. 


The Gynecology Service of “Arabkir” MC - ICAH provides medical consultations to adults as well. Our physicians use leading methods for conservative and surgical treatments. 


Our specialists use the following diagnostic methods; colposcopy, hysteroscopy, diagnostic laparoscopy. Laparotomy and laparoscopic surgeries are performed - ovarian cystectomy, surgeries on ovaries and fallopian tubes, conservative myomectomy, hysterectomy (laparotomy or vaginal) etc. 

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