Inventory at “ArBeS” Health Center 
22 May 2023

An “Inventory” has been opened at the “ArBeS” Health Center, functioning similarly to a library, but instead providing equipment and furniture to children undergoing rehabilitation therapy at “ArBeS”. The aim is to support children’s families ensuring they have necessary equipment at home such as special tables and chairs, stands, rollers, mattresses, and folding ramps. This type of equipment is particularly vital for children with musculoskeletal disorders. Recognizing this, parents have joined forces united in the “Source” Foundation under the leadership of Marina Parazyan, to implement various projects aimed at enhancing the quality of children's lives.  


This project, supported by UNICEF and the “Izmirlian” charitable foundation, is a successful example of collaboration that parents believe should continue on an interdepartmental level.  


The opening ceremony of the “Inventory” was attended by Deputy Minister of Health Artak Jumayan, Armen Chobanyan (head of the Armenian office of the “Izmirlian” Charitable Foundation), Maya Simonyan (Early Childhood Development officer of UNICEF) , Arman Babloyan (director of the “Arabkir” MC-ICAH), Ara Babloyan (scientific head of “Arabkir” MC-ICAH), Manushak Yeritsyan (head of the “ArBeS” Health Center), specialists, parents, and other guests.


Ara Babloyan acknowledged the proactive role of parents, emphasizing that even the most brilliant ideas would be unattainable without strong parental connections. The collaboration between the “Source” Foundation and “Arabkir” MC serves as an example of this, and there is confidence that the project will succeed.

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