How “Arabkir” has changed Khadija’s life
11 November 2022

Beautiful Khadija is from Algeria. She came to “Arabkir” MC by mediation of the Association for Bladder Exstrophy Community /ABEC/ and a longtime friend of our surgical team, Professor Paul A. Merguerian from Seattle Children’s Hospital. 


25 year old Khadija was born with bladder exstrophy and has had surgeries, however, urinary incontinence persisted, causing a number of social and psychological problems. To solve the problem, the Monti-Mitrofanoff procedure was performed increasing urinary bladder capacity with intestinal segment.

We are pleased to inform, that the operation and post-operative period went well and Khadija returned home last night, free of psychological and social difficulties she said she had before coming to “Arabkir”. The President of ABEC interviewed Khadija about her experience, how one “search” on Facebook changed her life, bringing her from Algeria to Armenia and giving the girl, in her words, a freedom that is dearer than anything.  


Thank you, dear doctors!

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