Diagnostic examinations
Diagnostic examinations


Both hospitalized and outpatients gastroenterology patients are mainly examined by endoscopic method:

  • upper and lower endoscopies - esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsies, 

  • colonoscopy with biopsies, 

  • sclerotherapy, ligation, 

  • polypectomy.

Following examinations are also used:

  • Radiologic
    of organs in abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
    doppler ultrasound of portal vessels
    of gastrointestinal system, including liquid and other contrast agents (air, barium sulfate)
    Computed Tomography
    of abdominal organs

  • Biopsy of liver and histological examination of biopsy material

  • Laboratory tests
    CBC, biochemical blood test, urinalysis, stool test, bacteriologic tests of urine and stool 

  • Special gastrointestinal and hepatic laboratory diagnostic tests

  1. t-TGA IgA - tissue transglutaminase IgA test to diagnose Celiac disease 

  2. Specific and non-specific inflammatory markers in blood (Ig G,M,A; ANA; C3, C4 etc.) to detect immune/autoimmune inflammation

  3. Stool-Ag test, breath test to detect Helicobacter pylori  

  4. Culture test of stomach tissue to detect Helicobacter pylori and determine antibiotic susceptibility 

  5. Stool elastase test to evaluate the exocrine function of pancreas 

  6. Stool Calprotectin test to evaluate the intraluminal intestinal inflammation


For additional laboratory tests we cooperate with licensed diagnostic and medical centers of Armenia and the Russian Federation according to the approved conditions of “Arabkir” MC-ICAH.