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Why choose us?
Experience and Cooperation
Thousands of patients apply to “Arabkir” MC - ICAH yearly. Our doctors have huge experience of treating rare and complicated cases. They cooperate with leading foreign hospitals and use international and local guidelines in their treatment plan.
Accurate Diagnosis and Results
Successful treatment begins with a correct diagnosis. Our doctors are very attentive at the diagnostic stage. They listen to the needs of the patient and comprehensively examine and evaluate the condition in order to select the best treatment plan.
Quality and flawless care
In Arabkir MC groups of specialists work together to do what the exact patient needs. This is one of the unique medical centers in Armenia, which has a quality control system that is a benefit of the patient's rights.
Expertise and scientific approach
Many of our medical experts have a great reputation in a wide range of professions, even outside of the country. The scientific work is coordinated by the Institute of Child and Adolescent Health institute by offering comprehensive approaches.
He is our main partner
Zurich Children's University Hospital
About health